In the heart of Illinois, the small town of Casey is home to a series of unique, record-breaking landmarks. Known for its collection of “world’s largest” attractions, Casey Illinois has made a name for itself with an array of giant-sized, functional sculptures that...
The History and Design of the World’s Largest Catsup Bottle in Collinsville, Illinois The World’s Largest Ketchup Bottle in Collinsville, Illinois, is a marvel of roadside Americana, cherished by locals and admired by travelers. Built in 1949 by the W.E....
Richardson Adventure Farm in Spring Grove, Illinois, is renowned for hosting the world’s largest corn maze. This amazing attraction draws visitors with its intricate design and extensive pathways. Here are detailed insights into the world’s largest corn maze at...
The World’s Largest Barbershop Pole is another unique and eye-catching roadside attraction located in Casey, Illinois. Known for its collection of “world’s largest” items, Casey continues to draw tourists with these quirky and creative...
The World’s Largest Golf Driver is another impressive and whimsical roadside attraction located in Casey, Illinois. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Big Things in a Small Town (@bigthingssmalltown) Here are detailed insights into the...